Sustainable, responsible, eco-friendly… what does it really mean? Feeling overwhelmed and slightly confused when bombarded by marketing claims? You’re not alone. Let’s dive into the most used terms to uncover their definitions and differences. How to check the sustainability of a leather item? 'I love leather furniture, purses, shoes, bags. And I would love to know how environmentally & socially sustainable these items are… How to check?' C14 explained C14 or carbon-14 is the longest-lived radioactive isotope of carbon, whose decay allows the accurate dating of archaeological, geological and hydrogeological artifacts. C14 relates to the renewable carbon content of a material and can be directly measured using analytical tools. How to achieve and prove sustainability in chemicals? To attain more sustainable production of leather, the chemicals and processes need to be redesigned. How to do this and how to prove this? A Perfect Model of Circularity: Return To Nature collection by Anya Hindmarch Fashion game-changer Anya Hindmarch has created a leather bag collection that can decompose back to earth. The bags have been designed to be capable of degrading naturally – from earth, to cow, to bag, to earth and on again in a model of perfect circularity. Certifications for safer chemistry you should know about How to source sustainable materials? Asking for the right certifications helps. For the leather supply chain there are 4 certification every brand should know of. Renewability and sustainability in the leather industry As the world is focusing on how our economies are and the impact of the raw material and shipping issues, Royal Smit & Zoon does see more attention to actually define what are renewability and sustainability in chemicals and process. Environmental Sustainability Explained: Life Cycle Assessments Get to know facts & figures about Life Cycle Assessments and learn how to put an LCA to practice. Environmental Sustainability Explained: Understanding the Basics An easy-to-follow explanation of terminology, concepts and basic standards on the topic of sustainability. You will get insights into the possibilities to assess environmental sustainability in the leather value chain. Environmental Sustainability in the Leather Value Chain An explanation of the basics for a better understanding of the concept of environmental sustainability, focusing on the leather industry. ‘I prefer recycled plastic and vegan materials’ How do we, consumers, know what is the best material for the production of a bag, a shoe, or a car seat? Can I trust the source trying to seduce me? Knowledge center Go to all knowledge items Knowledge Stay informed Receive the latest company news and industry updates Subscribe