Announcement new website On November 22, with due pride, the three new online environments of Smit & Zoon were launched:, and All three websites are published in English; the Italian version of the Codyeco website will follow. Smit & Zoon attaches great importance to a relevant website and we see this online environment as our business card. Our website serves more than just as a source of information, it is a reflection of what we, as Smit & Zoon, want to radiate and what we stand for. The content of our website is never written in stone and therefore we will continue to supplement this with relevant new content. If you have any questions, comments or advice about what you encounter on the website, please let me know: [email protected] Interesting for you Discover more news Smit expands range of sustainable Wet-end chemicals The launch of these products contributes to Royal Smit & Zoon’s mission, to create a more sustainable leather value chain, by using more bio-based products and lower emission rates. Codyeco achieves highest level of ZDHC certification We are proud to announce that our subsidiary Codyeco has received the ZDHC Level 3 certification. Low bisphenol retanning range with BioTan XP 01L We offer syntans with low bisphenol values and introduce BioTan XP 01L, an innovative retanning agent 100% free of bisphenol. All our bisphenol optimized solutions are thoroughly tested, both on performance and on bisphenol limits. More news Go to all news articles Discover Stay informed Receive the latest company news and industry updates Subscribe to our newsletter Share this: