Whitepaper Waterproof leather making

A guideline for the production of waterproof leathers

Learn about the many different parameters that influence good waterproof leather. Making waterproof is much more than choosing the right fatliquor (this is actually the easiest part). The key is found in the right processes, e.g. running times, temperature control, washing and polyvalent metal fixing. This whitepaper is written to increase the chance to make high quality waterproof leather.

The making of waterproof leather depends on a wide variety of factors that can influence its properties and performance. Many factors are negative factors: they reduce the performance. It is important to know what should not be done. Other factors can positively influence the performance of the waterproofing agents: what is best to do?

Before the development of a waterproof article we all face the same problem: where to start? It helps to realize that waterproof leathers are made the same way as other leathers with neutralizing, retanning and fatliquoring.

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