November 2021 – by Prasad Muppa Aromatic syntans are widely used in the (re)tanning of leathers. Phenolic monomers such as phenol, phenolsulfonic acid, bisphenol S, and bisphenol F are common compounds in aromatic syntans. These compounds are unreacted molecules that are either starting materials or intermediate molecules formed during the manufacturing process. Due to the toxic nature of these compounds, both the regulatory authorities and the leather industry are displaying an increasing interest in these residual phenolic monomers. The research study consist of 3 different parts: 1) Amount of monomers: This part discusses the number of phenolic monomers in different aromatic syntans across the market. 2) Model study: A research study has been conducted to determine the effect of each specific monomer in a specific syntan on the leather. In this study, several model syntan samples were repared by addition of different loadings of each monomer, in order to determine the effect of each monomer separately. 3) Effects of monomers: In this part, an attempt has been made to correlate the combined effects in different syntans across the market to the number of monomers present in them. Download the whitepaper My email address** First name**Last name**Company name**Stay informed Please keep me informed about the latest news on Smit & Zoon and the leather industry.Consent* I have read and accepted the Terms & conditions and Privacy Statement.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Interesting for you Discover more on Chemicals & substances Renewable chemicals: replacing fossil-based by biobased ingredients What biobased materials can be used to replace petrochemicals? Discover our alternatives and criteria. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Biopolymer Production Within the framework of the “LIFE BIOPOL” project, co-financed by the European Commission, the environmental footprint of the developed biopolymers has been evaluated through a Life Cycle Assessment study. Leather Value Chain Continuity is a Choice “Compliance is still a competitive disadvantage” is a message I often use during speaking opportunities. Chemicals & substances Discover Stay informed Receive the latest company news and industry updates Subscribe Share this: