Whitepaper: ecoSimplicity ecoSimplicity is your helping hand to boost the efficiency of post-tanning operations and to enable an environmentally friendly leather production at the same time. C14 explained C14 or carbon-14 is the longest-lived radioactive isotope of carbon, whose decay allows the accurate dating of archaeological, geological and hydrogeological artifacts. C14 relates to the renewable carbon content of a material and can be directly measured using analytical tools. Bio-based materials vs renewable: what is the difference? The term “renewable” has a broader meaning referring not only to source of materials but also to source of energy. Bio-based solutions are a way to achieve higher renewability. Whitepaper: Renewability of materials in the leather value chain This paper is meant to create an insight in the importance of renewability, thus using bio-based chemicals in the processes and chemistry of leather in specific. Download for free. Leather, a renewable material Leather starts with a hide or skin, which is a natural material and 100% bio-based. By using products in the leather making process with a high level of bio-based content, the level of renewability of the material remains high. Renewable chemicals: replacing fossil-based by biobased ingredients What biobased materials can be used to replace petrochemicals? Discover our alternatives and criteria. Beet pulp as an alternative to chemical ingredients Research has shown that pectins from sugar beet pulp are suitable as bio-based ingredients in the production of leather. Renewability and sustainability in the leather industry As the world is focusing on how our economies are and the impact of the raw material and shipping issues, Royal Smit & Zoon does see more attention to actually define what are renewability and sustainability in chemicals and process. Knowledge center Go to all knowledge items Visit page Stay informed Receive the latest company news and industry updates Subscribe