Our picks Bisphenols and the relation to leather Bisphenols is a topic of discussion in the leather industry, since the restriction proposal of The European Chemicals Agency. We explain the basics on bisphenols focusing on the leather industry. Regulations on bisphenols What are the current and pending restrictions regarding Bisphenols? An up-to-date overview and timeline of the process. Download: FAQ paper Bisphenol and leather In this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) paper, we explain the basics for a better understanding on bisphenols, focusing on the leather industry. Phenolic monomers in aromatic syntans: the influence on leather Aromatic syntans are widely used in the (re)tanning of leathers. Phenolic monomers such as phenol, phenolsulfonic acid, bisphenol S, and bisphenol F are common compounds in aromatic syntans. Knowledge center Go to all knowledge items Visit page Stay informed Receive the latest company news and industry updates Subscribe