A sustainable leather value chain not only focuses on the production of the materials but also on their end-of-life scenarios. Society asks for a re-focus on the sustainability of leathers that are more biodegradable, and not just durable. Explaining the biodegradability of leather in specific and understandable terms is a key element to the sustainability of the leather industry. This whitepaper lays out the differences in the terminology and draws a distinction between chemical and whole material testing. The whitepaper is unique in the leather industry as it provides transparency and clarity in a well-founded matter about the biodegradability, compostability and end-of-life of a leather article. Download the pdf Whitepaper Biodegradability & disintegration of Leather Download the pdf My email address** First name**Last name**Company name**Stay informed Please keep me informed about the latest news on Smit & Zoon and the leather industry.Consent* I have read and accepted the Terms & conditions and Privacy Statement.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Interesting for you Discover more on Biodegradability Renewable chemicals: replacing fossil-based by biobased ingredients What biobased materials can be used to replace petrochemicals? Discover our alternatives and criteria. A Perfect Model of Circularity: Return To Nature collection by Anya Hindmarch Fashion game-changer Anya Hindmarch has created a leather bag collection that can decompose back to earth. The bags have been designed to be capable of degrading naturally – from earth, to cow, to bag, to earth and on again in a model of perfect circularity. Vegan leather, it is mostly a nonsense name. A marketing phrase. In a recent article published in the Volkskrant, one of the leading Dutch quality newspapers, leather is being compared to so called sustainable alternatives. A well-founded commentary to a, often, misleading narrative. Biodegradability Discover Stay informed Receive the latest company news and industry updates Subscribe Share this: